We can now offer for free download the catalogue we created after Sofia Queer Forum 2012 took place, in an edition published by Anarres Books. 


Sofia Queer Forum was an event that investigated, with the means of contemporary arts, gender and sexuality as parallel systems through which we value ourselves and the others around us. These systems have a strong influence on all aspects of culture and society. The influence is, of course, two-sided. This is why in focus here is also the changing of the concepts “gender” and “sexuality” depending on social, political, cultural and medical factors that are inherent in a given time and space.


Sofia Queer Forum 2012 took place in the period 20-25 November 2012 on various locations in Sofia. More info here.


Download the file: 


- pdf version, online edition, 116 pages (download here)


The edition is bilingual (Bulgarian and English) and besides the documentation of the forum includes texts by Boryana Rossa, Stanimir Panayotov, Nadia Plungian and an interview with Vladan Jeremic and Rena Raedle conducted by Jelena Vesic.  


NLP and Anarres wish you a nice read!


You can see pictures from the book launch of the print edition here